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Eugene J Quinn Jr ~ About the Artist

The Coquina Gallery features the paintings of Eugene Quinn. To look at Eugene's work is to view a journal entry in a lifetime of painting. An artist gypsy, he has been awarded for his work up and down the East coast. Now he is settled in Jacksonville Beach where he continues to observe and express the beauty he sees all around him. 

It seems Quinn has always made art. When he received an offer for a painting at his first show in college he began to envision a good life and a living from his paintings. After studying art and art history at Providence College he found instruction at the Art Students League before being taken under the wing of John Philip Osborne at the Ridgewood Art Institute. Soon he began to sell his work at shows in and around NYC and expanded up to New

England and relocated there. Cape Ann is fertile ground for a painters eyes and he soon had his own gallery in the historic art colony. After years of doing winter Florida art events he moved full time back to Florida to the place where he painted his first plein air painting in the early 90s and founded the Coquina Studio in Jacksonville Beach where he calls home. Painting for Quinn is a pursuit of beauty and its usually found right out the door wherever he is. At the Studio that's the beach just as the ocean was the inspiration right out his door back in Rockport MA. So if you like local art and if you love our beautiful first coast then please come in and say hi.

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